28th club meeting – Dublin, Ireland

Avril 28, 2023

Repair and Additive Manufacturing by Cold Spray

The 28th Cold Spray Club meeting has been hosted in an exceptional location: the lecture room within the Physics building at Trinity College Dublin, where Prof. Schroëdinger used to teach. More than 70 participants, from industries and universities, assisted to the meeting, held in English for the presence of numerous international speakers and members. As the previous meeting in Milan, the theme was “Repair and Additive Manufacturing by Cold Spray”. 9 talks were given by speakers of various nationalities. The meeting was closed by a forum discussion introduced and led by David McNeill (Spee3D, UK) on Repair and Additive Manufacturing by Cold Spray.

A special thanks to our sponsors: Impact Innovations, Spee3D, Centerline, Titomic Europe et Mallard SA.

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