September 30, 2022
Repair and Additive Manufacturing by Cold Spray

The 27th Cold Spray Club meeting marked the coming back to face-to-face, after the relaxation of traveling restrictions due to the pandemic. This meeting opens the “European Tour of the Cold Spray Club”. Indeed, heavy works on the building of Ecole des Mines in Paris are obliging to organize our events in other locations. More than 50 participants, from industries and universities, assisted to the meeting, held in English for the presence of numerous international speakers and members. This time the theme was “Repair and Additive Manufacturing by Cold Spray”. 9 talks were given by speakers of various nationalities. The meeting was closed by a forum discussion introduced and led by Julio Villafuerte (Centerline, Canada) on Repair and Additive Manufacturing by Cold Spray.
A special thanks to our sponsors: Impact Innovations, Centerline, Titomic Europe and Avio Aero.

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